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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Twenty-Third Day of Advent

"As the wise men followed the Star of the East, they came to Jerusalem.  Believing that this new large star had something to do with the fulfillment of the hope of the Jewish people that God would soon send someone who would deliver them from unkind persons, the wise men kept looking for a Messiah or Deliverer.  Not being able to find Him in Jerusalem, the Holy City, the wise men went on their way, until they came to Bethlehem.. The star which they had been following seemed now to be directly overhead.  Because the wise men had to travel from such a far-away distance, they did not arrive at Bethlehem until almost forty days after the birth of Jesus.  However, because they were so intent upon finding Him and Worshiping Him, we have always thought of them as being among the first who came to visit the new-born babe.
It was not enough for the wise men to see the star in the East and to believe that, if they followed it, it would lead them to the Baby Jesus.  It was necessary that they follow the star in order that they would arrive in Bethlehem.  The wise men made this trip because of their faith.
Every time we get into our automobile to go from one place to another, we do something like the wise men did.  We put our faith in the driver and in the automobile to get us there safely.  And so it is with many other things."

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