Adeline and Andrew

Adeline and Andrew

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's

Tonight we continued on the tradition at Grandpa and Grandma Forte's house.  With them getting older and having many health issues the past few years I have helped out.  This year we were considering having the night at someone else's house but after talking with an adamant Grandpa and Grandma and being reminded of just how important/special this night is to them we decided to still have it at their house....with a few conditions.  #1-I do all of the cooking and preparing  #2-Dad, Uncle Steve, and John carry and set up all of the tables and chairs #3-Dad, Uncle Steve wash all of the dishes.  I did let Grandpa do his relish trays but that was it.  Thankfully everyone stuck to their responsibilities and the night was wonderful.  In fact I think this might have been one of the best nights for me in a couple of years.
We had a small present opening time but the remainder of the night was spent talking, playing cards, laughing, and playing with the kids.  Adeline got some really fun Barbie clothes from Grandpa Forte that she was putting on her new Barbie.  Andrew got this cool remote control car that lights up.  He was going crazy!  Both kids got the Mouse Trap game from Uncle Steve that we play almost every day.
He just loves this.  It spins, rotates, and lights up.  So cool! 
"This is awesome!"  says Andrew

Adams girls were with their mom so he found himself missing them and playing dress up with Adeline.  She loved it.

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