Adeline and Andrew

Adeline and Andrew

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 17, 2010

No about a movie

It was almost dark and Rob started asking all of us if the adults wanted to go out for an "adult" swim. I think most of the females were a bit turned off by that option wondering what exactly "adult" meant. And I think that is just what Rob wanted because while we, (the girls and kids) were all inside watching a movie they, (the guys) were playing water football in a shallow part of the lake away from the house.

All of the kids were pretty exhausted from a long day of playing

Andrew especially...I was just waiting for him to pass out

Sweet Noah did fall tuckered out.

Addy was snuggling with Missy and her eyes kept closing. She could hardly keep them open for this picture.

Andrew got just enough energy to come and throw all of the letters off the fridge.

Little did I know that as soon as we left our fun filled weekend would come to and immediate stop.

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