Adeline and Andrew

Adeline and Andrew

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Angela and John

My best friend from high school Angela was back in Michigan for her little sisters wedding and made some time to come and see James and I and the kids. We hadn't met her boyfriend John or heard about her five month trip to Kenya. They arrived earlier in the afternoon while the kids were sleeping so that allowed us some time to catch up. As soon as the kids were awake we spent most of our time with them.
Angela and John stepped right in reading to Adeline and playing with Andrew. I told them that Andrew normally takes awhile to warm up but to my surprise Andrew jumped right in.
Andrew and John, instant buddies.
After dinner we went for a walk to Frosty O's.
When we got back the kids had a bath and we got them off to bed.

Angela stayed in the room for Adeline's imaginary story...she enjoyed hearing about Radeline and Gandrew.
And of course I wanted a shot with my amazing friend. I love her!

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