Adeline and Andrew

Adeline and Andrew

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ready for the Zoo Boo

We headed down to Olivet to celebrate Aunt Erin's 31st birthday.  We all got dressed up to go to Binder Park Zoo's "Zoo Boo".  This years theme for the Bean family is Wreck It Ralph.  James is Ralph, I am Calhoun, Adeline is Vanellope, and Andrew is Fix It Felix Jr.

The kids look really cute.
Aunt Erin is Mary Poppins. 
Brooke really wanted to be "gum girl".  She looked really cute and even had a bunch of gum balls to hand out.  Gabby is a cute little M&M.

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