James and I chose not to dress up this time. It was cold and raining and we planned to take the kids to a few houses and then back home. Hooray for Wreck It Ralph and the fun it brought our family this year!
Adeline and Andrew

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Adeline's school Halloween party
Addy showing her dance moves above.
Adeline with Jersey and Mallory below.
Andrew and I got to come to part of Adeline's school party. She was all dressed except for the wig. I feel bad because it kept falling back. The kids were doing a lot of jumping and dancing so I probably should have super glued the wig to make it stick :)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Trunk or Treat
We have a van full of kids ready to get some candy!!!!!
So looking at this picture it looks like they are going to get hit but I promise you the car was stopped and I think dropping off their own kids. As you can see through the doors there was already a line and we showed up right at 6:30...... The candy is all at the other side of the building. There were over 400 kids that came tonight and they all seemed to have a blast.
A ladybug, Vanellope, Angel/Devil, Cat, and Minnie Mouse
Andrew was very excited to see his best boy bud Nick there.
Trick or Treat
A real, live sticker head.
The kids with Pastor Rudd. He seems to like the scary costumes considering that last years costume was a werewolf.
Addy and Maya
So happy to see the Ellis family there with all of their four kids!
Oh Andrew....surrounded by girls.
Andrew's Harvest Party
Andrew was not feeling too well this morning. He was up through the night coughing, but woke up all awake and cheerful. I told him that if relaxed this morning maybe we could go to the parade portion of his school harvest party. We got him all dressed up and made it just in time for the parade.
Andrew with his buddy Nathan
Standing in line ready for the parade to start. The preschoolers walked through the classrooms showing all of the kids their costumes.
Mrs. Jensen set aside treats and crafts for Andrew that he missed. She was so thoughtful. So even though he wasn't there he got to do everything....just here at home.
Monday, October 28, 2013
We've Been Boo'ed
Our cute little neighbor, or I "think" our cute little neighbor Olivia Boo'ed us tonight. She patiently waited all weekend until we got home to come knock at our door and then run away. When we opened the door we found this fun bag filled with lots of goodies. The kids we going crazy......yum, yum.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Happy Birthday Uncle John John
...or "Lenny" as Grandpa calls him.
We spent a nice afternoon with Uncle John, Grandpa and Grandma. We had dinner and then celebrated John's 32nd birthday.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Smiles and Costumes
Here we are ready to start....everyone in costume.
Grandma and Grandpa were the Coneheads
Wreck It Ralph with his sidekicks
Calhoun with Fix It Felix Jr.
Mary Poppins with the Coneheads
Ralph and Vanelope
All the ladies...
Ralph and I
Going around the candy trail
Of course our first stop needed to be the candy trail.....The kids were very excited to get their first pieces of candy for Halloween.
Trick or Treat
We're in Battle Creek so of course Tony the Tiger is there too
I wanted to take a picture of Adeline's wig. The red in there are actual redvines licorice.
Bethany wanted to get a picture of me actually shooting a Cy-bug. This is probably the closest we'll get.
Ready for the Zoo Boo
We headed down to Olivet to celebrate Aunt Erin's 31st birthday. We all got dressed up to go to Binder Park Zoo's "Zoo Boo". This years theme for the Bean family is Wreck It Ralph. James is Ralph, I am Calhoun, Adeline is Vanellope, and Andrew is Fix It Felix Jr.
The kids look really cute.
Aunt Erin is Mary Poppins.
Brooke really wanted to be "gum girl". She looked really cute and even had a bunch of gum balls to hand out. Gabby is a cute little M&M.
Adeline's Seventh Fall Soccer Game 2013
We were very proud of Adeline this soccer season. She has continued to play hard and improve. This could possibly have been her last soccer game but she is only seven and may desire to play again. She will be playing basketball this winter with James as her coach. After participating in a basketball camp this summer she told her Aunt Betsey that she likes basketball better "because she doesn't have to run as much". She may be a bit surprised when their basketball practices turn into games and she realizes there is a lot of running in basketball also. But we shall see...practice starts November 9th.
Check out the punch in the video below.....very humorous!!!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Carving Pumpkins
It's that time of year to finally carve the pumpkins. The pumpkins have been out on the front porch for almost a month and Andrew especially has been ready to carve them. We decided to pull out all the guts and clean them first and then when Daddy got home we would all carve them together. Our neighbor friend Olivia helped us with cleaning them out. And like most years the kids were not too happy with how it felt inside the pumpkin so I was left to clean them. They all at least tried. There will come a year when they do this completely on their own and I have my very own pumpkin....until then I will enjoy helping them, even if it means doing it myself.
Daddy helped with Andrew and I helped with Addy's. The kids even decided to decorate them with markers on the back.
Final products.....Adeline's scary cat and Andrew's skeleton.
I remember this picture four years ago, pretty soon the kids won't be able to sit on top of the table.
All lit up!
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