Aunt Betsey will be staying with us for the next two months doing a cardiac and family practice rotation at the hospital here in
Muskegon. We are very excited about this. So
tonight's event that Aunt Betsey gets to participate in is carving our pumpkins. I learned my lesson from last year about waiting to carve your pumpkin until right before Halloween. Last year the pumpkins had caved in and were moldy before Halloween even came.

We tried to keep Andrew at a distance because he would have
A. eaten the pumpkin guts
andB. thrown it all over the house.

Adeline became a pro at pulling out the pumpkin guts.

The girls chose ghosts for their pumpkin and a bat for my pumpkin.

Good job ladies it looks great!

Even though I had to carve my pumpkin all by myself Adeline was very generous to have her picture taken with me.

Our finished products!
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