Adeline spent some special time with Doug. She says that she remembers when she was a baby and he held her. I am not too sure about that but I know we do have a picture of it. Adeline was telling Doug how to write her name....and then she got sidetracked.
We went outside to play before dinner was ready. Andrew was a little shy around Doug so he spent some time with Mommy. Adeline and Angela were making sand cakes.
I got a new picture of Addy with Doug so when she sees him next we can refer to this shot. I need to find the other one but it is on our external hard drive and I am lazy. cheese!
I love this girl. I love how she loves my kids.
Andrew giving his hugs and kisses good-bye
James took Addy to Awana so I had a few extra minutes with Angela and her Dad before they left. I was also able to enjoy one of my oatmeal creme pies Doug brought me because he remembered always buying them for me as a kid. I love them!
Please pray for Angela while she is in Kenya. This is going to be an amazing experience for her.
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