Adeline and Andrew

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Time with the Wakley's
Corbin girls
Monday, September 27, 2010
Andrew and Eli
This Fall I started watching the Morse kids once a week. Some days I just have the boys and other days I have all three. But I always have Eli. Andrew and Eli have become pretty good pals. They give each other their blankets, pacifiers, or cups. They like to keep each other happy...most of the time.....
This is hard to explain but the other day they were playing together and at the same time they both wanted to push the same toy. In Andrew language "lots of grunting and pointing" he tells Eli to go and play with the shopping cart instead. In Eli language "one big scream" he tells Andrew no. I am trying to capture another moment similar to this on video because it is so cute to see them communicate. For Andrew to know that he wants to play with the toy but then to offer Eli the option of playing with something else. And for Eli to understand that Andrew is not willing to give up the toy and that he does not want to play with the shopping cart was so fun to watch.
And then while they were outside playing with the basketball hoop Andrew apparently didn't like how Eli shot his baskets. So each time Eli would go to shoot Andrew would run up and knock the hoop down. What a bully. Eli didn't like that either. And Andrew didn't like it when I told him to stop and be nice.