Andrew just liked to get into everything. He has always loved pop bottles and lucky for him after the Shepherds were over there was a lot of pop left over.

Naughty boy...look at that mess.

My beach babe. Adeline likes to wear her sunglasses upside down. If you tell her they are upside down she will acknowledge you and then tell you that this is how she likes them.

Me and my girl.....we're girlfriends.

I don't know what I am doing in the background but Andrew is enjoying himself shoveling the sand.

Uncle Josh went out into the water with Addy. Daddy is too chicken. The water was pretty cold but I think Daddy needs to suck it up for his little girl.
I won't have many more moments like this with Addy where I can just pick her up and hold her like this. I treasure this time and the memories we share.
Bean Mommies and their babies
Brooklyn loved this baby inner tube. We got it with Addy when she was a baby. I was so happy that Brooklynn really enjoyed herself...she loves water.

Addy looks pretty cold here but really cute too.

The kids enjoyed the tent on the beach going in and out. Sometimes Addy would also try to play keep out...Andrew was not a fan of this.

Daddy and his boy. If you look closely you and tell that Andrew's pretzel if fully covered with sand.

We were given a date night while the grandparents stayed back with the kids. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa.
I need to go back and find all of our past photos through the years.....then I can see how much we have grown/aged.
We went out to dinner and then a movie. It was really nice having one on one time with Josh and Bethany without any kids. And it was more enjoyable than each time we slaughtered them in Euchre.
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