I looked back at Adeline's baby book to compare between her and Andrew. Andrew has always been ahead of Adeline in weight and height until around 9 months then they started getting closer. I can't believe it but Adeline actually weighed more than Andrew at one year. He is 24lbs. (although he has been sick for two weeks, not eating much but drinking water and Mommy's milk) and Adeline was 24.5 lbs. And in height Andrew is just about 32in. and Adeline was just over 31in.. Now a big difference between the two was that Adeline didn't crawl (only army) until she walked at one year and Andrew has been crawling since 7 months. Either way I apparently have big babies. As Adeline says:
"Mommy...someday I'm going to be bigger than you"
....I think that someday will be soon.
Adeline and Andrew

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fun around the house....
Many times a day Adeline and Andrew will take their toys (Adeline: the shopping cart Andrew: his walker) and they will make several trips around the house. Back and forth from the living room to the kitchen and around and around again. It's fun to watch. Sometimes Andrew will go under the table to throw Adeline off but she just meets him on the other side.
This trip got a little side tracked by a phone call that Adeline just had to take.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Movie Night!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Cookies....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Splashing in the tub!!!
One of my most favorite things in my day is when my kids smile and laugh with each other. I can't express what joy it brings to me. Seeing them become friends and watching Adeline love on her brother like a big sister.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
One Year Old
One year old. Wow! I remember going to the Advanced Fertility Center with my Bean Baby#2 binder making the plans, ordering the drugs, and setting up the appointments for this little guy. He was a blast embryo, implanted on our anniversary, one of two implanted, one out of thirteen to survive.
Things haven't been easy for me. Getting pregnant...I still have never peed on a stick to see the plus sign. Pregnancy itself...my crazy cancer scare, migraine headaches (that put me in the dark for a week).
So when I went into labor naturally it felt good (really). When my labor (although painful) was manageable, it felt good. When my baby boy was born (without Downs), it felt good. When Andrew latched right away, it felt good. Things just seemed easier the second time around. Now there were rough spots.....lack of sleep, caring for a 2 1/2 year old with attention issues, Andrew starting to poop all the time when he ate. But we got through them all (with a few crazy Momma moments).
And now here I am thinking about my beautiful boy. He is adorable, energetic, sweet, loud, crazy, funny, snugly. He loves people (especially Grandpa Bean), he loves it when things are going on. My favorite physical things about him are his lips, eyes, cheeks, bottom, and feet.
Andrew has 6 teeth, he is 24 (maybe 25lbs.), around 32 inches tall. He is a speed crawler, he has taken many steps (but not full out walking), he says Mama, Dada, Ba Ba, and ARGHHHHH, he is super ticklish. He enjoys putting things together (give him a tub with a top and he'll be happy), he loves putting his shapes in their bucket holes (circle, square, triangle...he has mastered them all), he loves puzzles. He already is showing signs of OCD (putting things where they need to go).
He loves chasing Adeline with his push cart, knocking things over (chairs, vacuum sweepers, stools, etc.), he loves when his sister builds a tower (so he can knock it down), playing with cords, climbing the stairs. He absolutely loves to dance...play any type of music and he will start to shake that booty.
This little boy is a lover! He is so sweet...I could just kiss him all day long. I am so thankful for him and what he has brought to our family. He makes us complete. I am excited to see what the years have in store. Will he be athletic? Musical? Have the ladies after him?... (they'll have to get past me (just ask John)). We'll see. But for now I am enjoying this incredibly fun stage of growth and learning.
Happy Birthday Bubba....Momma loves you!
Happy Birthday Buddy!
It is so hard for me to believe that my baby is one. Above you can see pictures that I took of a card I sent into SPROUT TV. This kids channel is perfect for our house because I really try to limit Adeline's TV to one hour a day if that and they normally only have shows in 15 minute segments. In the early morning they have what is called SPROUT LIVE and that is exactly what it is.....it is a live broadcast every day of the week. During this live broadcast they celebrate kids birthdays with viewings of cards that are sent in and a special Happy birthday song. Adeline and I decided to make a card for Andrew. Unfortunately I sent our card in a week before his birthday and after reading the instructions I realized it had to be sent in at least two weeks ahead if it was to be shown on TV. But to my surprise they still showed a copy of the card on line and they listed Andrew's name at the bottom of the screen. Below you will see a video I took with our tripod because we are too cheap (don't have the money) for a DVR. I think this officially makes Andrew famous :-)
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