Andrew was in desperate need of a haircut and I really wanted him to get it before his birthday. We weren't going to be able to make a trip to Charlotte for our favorite barber to cut his hair so I took him to my favorite lady hairstylist Allison. Allison is a great girl I know from the gym. She did great with Andrew and even gave him a special hair wash (per his request). He felt like quite the big boy!!!
Adeline and Andrew

Saturday, January 31, 2015
Adeline's Fourth Basketball Game 2015
I thought this game was going to be like the other game two weeks ago. The team we were playing was missing three of their players (apparently all second string). So they only rotated two players in at a time. Thankfully we hung in there with them and it wasn't a blow out like the last. We didn't come away with a win but we played hard and the kids had a good time. I continue to be impressed by Adeline's hard defense. I'm sure if I were the mother of the girl Adeline was guarding I would ask her to give her some space.
Friday, January 30, 2015
I got to spend the day with this sweet baby. Recently my friend Rebecca adopted this beautiful baby boy. He was been prayed for for over two years. I am beyond excited for her and the completing part to their great family. Today Silas and I hung out so that Rebecca could have some much needed "me" time. I didn't mind one bit. I kept him in my arms the entire time and it was marvelous!!!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Brooke and Gabby's Birthday Parties....Rainbow/Hello Kitty
After Adeline's game we all headed into the van and got on the road. We made it to Goshen for the girls fun parties. There were a lot of fun crafts for the kids, colored rainbow water, an awesome rainbow decoration, Hello Kitty pizza's, rainbow caramel corn, and cute take home bags where Andrew's had special "boy" things that he might enjoy more than girly things.
Can't believe the girls are 6 and 4. Time really does seem to go by fast.
Adeline's Third Basketball Game 2015
Adeline continues to improve in her basketball skills, she is gaining speed and confidence. I enjoy watching her play and have fun. It's so great to have James as her coach. You can probably sense a different tone with this post verses the last basketball post. And that is because this game was divided evenly with our team. It was a close, fun game and we won!
And a big thank you to Grandpa Bean for driving up to watch. It's always nice to have people cheering for you from the stands. Especially when it's someone different than your mom and brother.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Brayden's Birthday Party
Winter birthday's can be fun. Brayden's was at Kangaroo Palace and the kids were so excited to go. They enjoyed 1.5 hours of bouncing and then came and had cake and ice cream. It was a fun night and everyone was exhausted when we left.
Andrew scared me a couple times with his flip slides. I was just waiting for him to land on his neck. Thankfully his little body is pretty flexible and tough. Adeline got so hot she was down to her tank.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Green Eggs and Ham
Andrew does such a good job sounding out his words. He does better than Adeline did when she was in Kindergarten. Andrew and I started reading The Cat in the Hat together. Tonight I caught him and Daddy reading Green Eggs and Ham. They each took a turn reading a page.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Adeline's Second Basketball Game 2015
I was not super happy with this game. I find that after a game like today's I have to take some time to separate and cool down. What does that say about me that my little girls game can get me so riled up? I'm too competitive, and it's a good thing I'm not coaching. Today's game the team we played were missing three of their players. The three they were missing must have been their second string because every girl on this team was tall and good. It didn't help that we lost our best player at half-time. But we got beat bad. Some of the girls were pretty frustrated and crying. James was able to stay positive and encourage the girls. We're ready for next weeks game and I'm hoping that this team is more evenly mixed.
Adeline played hard and in the last video you see her attempting to shoot another basket. Last year she didn't even try. Good Job Addy!
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Snow hill
When you get a lot of snow. You start to find a lot of big snow hills. The particular hill is right where we drop off and pick up the kids. So pretty much every day I am asked if the kids can go play. Many days we stay and today was one of them.
No fear
Adeline is not ashamed of her faith. She is loud and proud. She wrote a story about her baptism and got to read it to her class. I also found this in her work folder. Some of her favorite things, Jo-Jo and her baptism. She teaches me new things every day.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Other fun pictures...
Addy's supportive girlfriends/cousins
Aunt Aleisha and Addy
Adeline and Maya...friends since birth
Kids table...
So thankful to share these moments with Great Grandpa Forte
After the service we all came back to the house to have a celebration dinner. We also celebrated our mid-January birthdays Grandma Bean and Grandpa Forte. It was a wonderful afternoon!!
Adeline Kay Bean's Baptism January 11, 2015
On Septermber , 2014 Adeline came downstairs one night after her brother had fallen asleep and wanted to talk. She had been wanting to talk about accepting Christ into her heart. We have talked many times over the last year about this decision and we wanted to make sure that it came entirely from Adeline and was not forced by James or I. On this particular night she said that she wanted to know for sure that "she would be going to heaven". That she would "live forever with Jesus". We talked about the story of Nicodemus and as Adeline recited it to us there was no doubt in my mind that she was ready, that she knew completely the decision she was making, and that it was what she wanted to do. As a parent praying with your child as they ask Jesus into their heart was the best day of my life. Knowing that we will spend eternity together in God's Kingdom gives such a unbelievable joy.
And now here with family and friends all around James has the honor of baptizing Adeline. What an emotional moment as Adeline tells the world of her decision to follow Christ. This girl has such a tender heart. She is beautiful, loving, caring, kind, talented, smart, gentle, thoughtful, compassionate, happy and the list could go on and on. She is a child of God. She is a gift from God. I feel so blessed to be her mom and learn things from her daily. I am so honored to be on this journey with her.
A pretty special moment to have everyone there. Grandpa and Grandma Bean, Uncle John, Aliyah, Andrew, Aunt Aleisha, Michael, Great Grandpa Forte, Olivia (Addy's friend she's been bringing to church with her for almost two years), James, Myself, Adeline, Uncle Josh, Aunt Erin, Gabby, Aunt Bethany, Grandpa Forte, and Brooklynn.
We're very proud of our Sweet Adeline.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Adeline's First Basketball Game 2015
This was Adeline Kay's first basketball game for her 2015 season. Aunt Erin came up to stay the weekend so that she could watch the game. It was a bright and early 9:00 game but we all made it on time. Because of all the snow days Adeline's team hadn't even had a practice. Coach Bean had the girls arrive at 8:00 so that they could have an official practice before the game.
The girls all played hard and came out with a win. Adeline had her very first basket as she took the ball when others thought it was out of play, brought it back, and made a shot. She was quite proud and so were we.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Dressing like Daddy
While Andrew and Sissy played "house" downstairs Andrew dressed up to look just like Daddy. Complete with a phone in his pocket (which is unfortunately not in the picture).
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
My poor family
Everyone is sick. James, Andrew and Adeline. James came home Friday night and went right to bed with chest congestion and body aches. Addy and Andrew have more of a cough, sore throat, sneezy/runny nose. I feel like a nurse going from room to room. Adeline missed one day of school, Andrew missed two days of school and James missed two days of work. (James never misses work). He has been sleeping on the couch because he can't get comfortable in our bed. Poor guy, this is what he sounds like. I guess I won't complain that he is sleeping on the couch...otherwise I don't think I would be able to sleep myself with all this racket.
Friday, January 2, 2015
And this is how the Monopoly game ended.....
It's hard for anyone to lose. I don't like to lose. I'm competitive. For this little man it is definitely the end of the world. I feel for him, I do. But there is this other side of me that is just laughing. Mostly laughing at the thought of showing this to him when he is older or has a child of his own who struggles to lose.
He really is cute.
A day of games....
He wants to dress like Daddy.
Dress shirt tucked in, with his fleece over it and the collar sticking out.
And of course the Ninja Turtle mask...just like Daddy.
We built ourselves a fun sheet tent in the basement and played Yatzee!
Then later we came upstairs and played a couple rounds of Monopoly.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
"I'm a Lego Master Builder"
With some of his Christmas money Andrew bought The Lego Movie Lord Business Lego's. And he put it together ALL by himself. That's right, He is a true Lego Master Builder!
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