Ahhhh. I knew he had it in him. Today at practice the coaches were just throwing the balls in one at a time and the kids would run after it and score on whichever goal they were closest to. Once coach commented to Andrew wondering why he hasn't run that fast before. Only a matter of time. I am glad that he turned around during the season. It might of been hard to convince him to play again if he didn't start getting aggressive.
Adeline and Andrew

Monday, September 30, 2013
Bike ride to the park
Andrew and I took a bike ride over to the park with our lunch. We spent the afternoon playing and laughing. I especially love Andrew's pink sweat band....
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Family Bike Ride
We took Grandpa and Grandma Bean on a bike ride down our Lakeshore trail. James and I took this bike path a couple times while the kids were away. It goes all the way up to North Muskegon. We did not go up to North Muskegon but we did go a ways. I felt bad on the way back because it was quite far for Andrew on his little bike. His poor little legs were working so hard. Grandma and Grandpa treated them to ice cream afterwards.
Lunch and sailing with Grandma and Grandpa Bean
Grandma and Grandpa treated the hard working soccer players all out to lunch and then we headed back home to change for the lake. The weather could not have been more perfect. It was 80 degrees and windy....perfect for sailing.
Both kids showed no sign of the water being cold.
The kids are ready to go sailing!!!!
The boat got a little carried away with the wind and against Grandpa's plans it carried them out far into the lake. With both in life jackets I was not concerned....and the kids seemed to really enjoy it.
Andrew's Fourth Fall Soccer Game 2013
Andrew is starting to get it. He is close, very close. He played hard today and was showing more aggression than past games/practices. He was very happy that Grandma and Grandpa Bean were there to watch. Andrew played hard and got over 15 kicks which was his goal.
Daddy giving Andrew a little pep talk. It looks like James is squeezing Andrew's arm but I promise there was no physical harm done, just a little bit of extra encouragement.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Bean for coming up to the games. These two little ones are very grateful!!!
Adeline's Third Fall Soccer Game 2013
Adeline was extremely excited about playing against her friend Chayse. Addy and Chayse have been friends since Addy was three and Chayse was two. Chayse goes to the Omni and came over a couple times this summer. Both girls played really hard and enjoyed smiling and laughing with each other. A couple times I found Adeline skipping on the field because she was so happy but I needed to remind her to run instead and focus.....she needed to put her game face on.
Each others biggest fans....on a good day :) They really do love each other.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Park date with Daddy
Andrew and I picked up Daddy from work and went to the Imagination Station for lunch. We each had a sack lunch and had fun playing together. Probably very few more of these days left this year.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Andrew's Picture Day
Fresh new haircut, and some special product to spike it from Uncle John, Andrew is ready for his first school picture. Andrew picked out his outfit all by himself. I was so happy he picked out the shirt and vest. The last time he wore it he was crying so bad because he wanted it off. Nana will be very happy when she see's these pictures.
I think he looks very studly. Just a cute little man. I especially love the tattoo!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Haircut and a visit
I had planned to come and spend the afternoon visiting Grandpa and Grandma Forte. While I was driving I noticed I was early so I thought I would see if John would be able to cut Andrew's hair. Andrew has pictures tomorrow and I really wanted it cut but I couldn't get him in with our lady. John was able to get him in and really gave him the special treatment. I was so impressed at how well and thorough John was. If I can make it work I would love for him to cut his hair all the time.
After his haircut Andrew and I headed over to see Grandma and Grandpa. They were both doing really well. Grandpa made a delicious chilly and I made some grilled cheese (with Velveeta...it's been so long since I've had that). Grandma seemed really good, walking without a walker or cane. She did the dishes and had a physical therapy appointment. I was able to talk to the physical therapist about Grandma's care and get some more information for Grandpa. John came over and spent some time with us too. It was such a nice, positive afternoon. I know that with Grandma's Alzheimers visit's like this won't happen every time. I was very thankful for today and the love that was shared.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Box Top Winner
Adeline was sick almost all of last week. I handed in her box tops on a day that I came and got her homework. I felt so bad when I picked her up today from school and realized that I had forgotten about it being spirit week. All the other kids were wearing hats, and I forgot. Thankfully Adeline won the box top contest so she was not upset at all. She was so excited about the fun bag she got full of creative things, that it didn't even phase her that she wasn't wearing a hat.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Anna's birthday sleepover
For Anna's birthday she said that she didn't want a party she just wanted Adeline to come and stay the night. And then she asked if Andrew could too so that Matthias would have someone to play with. How sweet is that? This is Andrew's first sleepover at a friends house. They both had a lot of fun and James and I enjoyed a fun date night.
Andrew's Third Fall Soccer Game 2013
He's starting to get a little more aggressive. I love how once he kicks he looks over at us. I'm going to have fun watching this little man play for many years.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Turbo.....kids free movie day!!!
Every week our theatre shows a different "flick" movie. The special thing about a "flick" film is that it is free for kids. So today James and I surprised the kids and we went and watched Turbo. We went in the afternoon so James and I got the matinee prices. It was a fun afternoon. Afterwards we took the kids to the park and we spent the rest of the evening outside. I love family time.
Andrew's Second Fall Soccer Game 2013
Sometimes I wish I wasn't so competitive and then I wouldn't push my kids so much. And then I think that I really don't push them I just encourage them. The thing with Andrew is that it is very evident that he is athletic so there has to be some way to get the nerves out. It's like he needs to flip a switch or something. We'll see if the switch flips this season or not.......
Either way these videos are pretty fun to watch. I tell ya....noting beats watching eight 4 and 5 year olds running around kicking a ball on the field.
Adeline's Second Fall Soccer Game 2013
Adeline has been playing pretty hard. Her coach also coaches an older team so that means all of Addy's games are at 9 or 9:30. It's pretty early mornings for us. And it also means the field can be pretty wet too.
Friday, September 13, 2013
My Andrew
Every afternoon brings about something new and fun.
Like playing with play-doh. Starting with all different colors and ending with them all mixed up.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Adeline's Second Grade Picture Day 2013
We took out Adeline's braids so that her hair would be super curly. She wanted to wear her dress she got at Christmas from Aunt Erin. And the shoes from Aunt Betsey. This little lady was looking and feeling pretty beautiful. I'm sure these pictures are going to turn out wonderful.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Andrew's First Fall Soccer Game 2013
So Andrew was very nervous about his game. James and I weren't sure what to expect because he has been very reserved during practices. The first play of the game Andrew dribbled the ball all the way down the field (as you can see below). And that was pretty much it for Andrew's ball contact besides if the ball came right to him. His fingers were in his mouth and he was just watching what was going on. At one point I said "Andrew run" and he started running really fast in place.
Andrew was not alone in his nervousness. Many of his teammates were in the same place. One teammate didn't move from where he started. He just stood on the field and the kids would go around him. Pretty fun to watch. Their coach told me that this is the first year for every player except one. It will be fun to see these kids grow together.
Adeline's First Fall Soccer Game 2013
Adeline's fall soccer season has begun. Her team is a bit different this year with losing almost half of their players. And those half were some of the stronger players. We will see what this season brings. We have talked with Adeline about possibly not playing in the spring. She has been playing soccer now for three years and we feel it is time to try something new. She is in agreement. Adeline did a basketball camp this summer and really liked it so we will probably try basketball next.
Today Adeline played against one of her best buds in school, Jersey. Jersey is one of the players we lost this season. I'm sad that they aren't playing together but at least they still see each other every day in school.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Andrew's first day of preschool review
I was so happy to come and pick him up. He was extremely excited about a transformer toy he was playing with, and besides that this is what he had to share.
Andrew's first day of preschool 2013
When he first woke up he was in tears and did not want to go. He was refusing to get dressed and was not cooperating at all. James got him dressed and then once he came down to eat breakfast Adeline was sitting with him. I was so proud of Adeline who was encouraging her brother and telling him about all the toys he would be able to play with and how nice his teacher was. She then brought him over his back pack and pulled out his folder. This folder is one that we have had for awhile, it is Angry Birds and for some reason this snapped him out of it. Good Job Addy Kay! Now he is excited to go.
Adeline 7, Andrew 4
I love this picture......Adeline and Andrew with their back packs from Nana and Papa.
Time to say good-bye. Daddy did much better than Mommy did. I was definitely sad. I am already looking forward to picking him up in 3 hours.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Adeline's first day of second grade 2013
This has become routine for Adeline. Seven years old and starting second grade. I have yet to make it through a first day of school without crying. Last year she had all of her teeth. This year she is missing three.
It's not hard to get smiles from Addy.
Off to check out Addy's locker.
Here is Adeline's locker partner Harmoni. The lockers are really big and they'll be perfect for two girls. We brought a couple things every girl needs to decorate her locker.
She's at her desk and ready...Daddy will be bringing her to school every day besides Tuesdays.
Alright....time for Mommy to say good bye.
Love you sweetie..enjoy your first day!!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor Day with Aunt Erin
Aunt Erin came up later Sunday night and stayed through the day Monday. All of the rest of the family were in sunny Florida...so we felt the need to still do something up here. We had a fun bonfire and roasted marshmallows. That's two nights in a row for a fire for the Bean family.
Monday we took a family bike ride and went and got some ice cream. I was very proud of the kids and how far they rode their bikes. It was about two miles there and then we took a shorter route back which was probably a mile and a half. Adeline wanted a picture with just Aunt Erin and without Andrew in the back. Andrew is such a stinker when it comes to photo bombing.
What a nice day....thank you Aunt Erin for coming and spending time with us.
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