A late night makes Daddy very tired.....but the kids are wide awake!!!!
Adeline and Andrew

Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
End of Summer night with the Morse family
A great night of dinner and fun with the Morse family.
We ended the night watching Return To Endor.....the fun Ewok movie. The kids loved it.
Possibly our last beach day
So hard to believe summer is almost over. Adeline braved the colder water on this hot day. She wants to get as much swimming in as she can.
I didn't mind my lunch buddy.
Andrew has broadened his sandwich preferences....turkey and cheese are now acceptable along with peanut butter sandwiches.
There is my cutie.
Sweet Adeline
Playing so nicely together....now that I dug them each their own hole.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Our last day with the Hare boys
It has been a busy, but fun summer. Today is the last day I will be watching these two sweeties. Next week Nick starts kindergarten all day and Bryson will be going to a daycare closer to where their new house is being built. I don't know what I'll do with all my time.......
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Adeline's school open house
The kids and I took a bike ride over to the school for Adeline's open house. We were able to meet her teacher Miss. Bulthuis. Adeline will have Miss. Bulthuis for two years. I definitely feel old because Miss. Bulthuis is 24 years old and this is her second year teaching.
Addy went right to her own desk and filled it with everything we brought. We then went around the classroom and looked at all the different stations that were set up. We are very excited because Adeline is in class with many of her favorite friends. I think these are going to be two very good years.
Andrew requested a picture with Miss. Bulthuis too.
Trying to get a loving picture
Adeline wanted to get a picture of her with all of her envelope. I don't know why because it is just filled with forms for me to fill out but I took it anyway.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Adeline's First Fall Soccer Practice 2013
Adeline was excited to get back to practice. She was able to see many of her school friends. Unfortunately one of her best friends Jersey was placed on another team so Addy was a little sad about that. Adeline was very excited to be able to wear her work out clothes, and I think she looks pretty cute.
Andrew found a new friend to tackle....Jackson, Gracie's little brother.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Andrew's First Soccer Practice
Today is a big day for Andrew. He was pretty nervous and I had to walk him out onto the field but he just completed his first soccer practice. It's pretty fun to watch eight four and five year old's running around the field. Andrew's coach needed to call his attention a couple of times when he was either looking at me, blowing kisses to me, or running over to me to give me a hug.
I'm very proud of my little boy. He did a good job and had a lot of fun.
Sprinkler/Trampoline fun
By the afternoon it was getting pretty hot. So we had the kids get in their swim suits and put the sprinkler to the side. They had a blast. They were on there for at least an hour. When I was taking these pictures they were pretending to be lions......pretty scary!!!
More time with cousins...and Nana and Papa
Michael and Aliyah were staying with Nana and Papa for a few days so they decided to take a little trip and come up to Muskegon.
These cousins have spent a lot of time together this summer and it has been really nice.
When it comes to Andrew I tend to have a smothering problem. I just want to hug and kiss him all the time. After watching my mom with Andrew I know where I get it from.
Nana and Papa with their grand kids
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Maya's Baptism
What a beautiful day to watch many show the world their love for Christ by getting baptized. Adeline's best friend Maya took this step today and was baptized by her father in Bear Lake.
Afterwards I was struck by the sweet bond these two girls share as they were holding hands for the remainder of the service.
I love these girls
Adeline's second grade class list
Before church we headed over to the school to see if Addy's class list was up. We were in luck, it was and many of her favorite classmates are in her class too.
Looking forward to a good year!!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Happy Birthday Michael!!!
I am remembering holding my sweet nephew for the first time when he was just born. I remember snuggling him when he came home. And I especially remember napping with him in a chair on Thanksgiving. Eight years ago...time is going by way too fast.
Happy Birthday Michael....we love you!!!
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