Adeline and Andrew

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The ba-zoo!!!
Aunt Betsey had been wanting to take Adeline to the zoo for a while now. Since we were having our Mommy and Addy day we decided to stay in Olivet that night and go to the zoo the next day. I always talked to Adeline and said THE ZOO but for some reason she calls it BA-ZOO. Aunt Betsey loved on Adeline and Adeline loved on Aunt Betsey. For the most part I tried to step back and let them have their time while Grandma and I carried Andrew but there were a few moments that the three year old in her came out. One for instance was when she didn't want to hold any one's hand and I told her that we couldn't move until she held someones hand. So what did she do? She grabbed her own hand and started walking. Naughty but funny. Another time was when she was adamant about pushing around the stroller with Aunt Betsey's water bottle in it pretending the water bottle was a baby. It took a little convincing to get her back in the stroller so we could walk faster. She is just too funny.
We were all very exhausted when we left but agreed it was a great day! Thank you Grandma for paying our way and thank you both (Aunt Betsey and Grandma) for spending the day with us. We loved it.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Addy and Mommy Day!
I have been wanting to be more intentional with my time with Adeline. Ever since Andrew has been doing more things and becoming much more active I have noticed a change in Adeline's attitude. So....we had an Addy and Mommy day just the two of us. We drove down to Hastings and dropped Andrew off with Nana and the two of us went to the beach for a few hours. We swam, played in the sand, ate lunch (thanks Nana for making it), and just enjoyed each others company. Then we went back to Nana's but stayed outside. We rode around in the golf cart, and took the paddle boat around the pond. After that we went inside because Papa was home and Adeline wanted to see him. We continued to do some fun crafty things that she got for her birthday in the kitchen while Nana and Papa stayed with Andrew. For dinner Papa made us sweet potato pancakes and we devoured them all up. Sorry Papa for not leaving you any :-( We had a wonderful day...I look forward to our next one.
Thank you Nana and Papa! We all had a wonderful day!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Adeline turns 3
We had a special Dora and Diego party for her where many of her friends and family came out to celebrate. It was a beautiful day and the party turned out to be a lot of fun. As you can see someone was very happy when we were singing Happy Birthday to her. I think she realized all eyes were on her and that this was her day.
Happy birthday Addy! We love you!