Adeline and Andrew

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Andrew laughs
So it has become apparent that this little man loves to laugh. He is ticklish anywhere and everywhere. Last night all I had to do was apply some pressure to any spot on his body...feet, under arm, sides, inner legs, neck....and he would laugh. So cute. This video is from a couple of days ago so I will have to get some more recent footage later.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Galations 5:16
On Sunday Adeline came home talking about "Love, joy, peace" I asked her if she learned about the fruits of the spirit and she said yes. She told me about a song that Miss Jenny taught her. She loves Miss Jenny. We then talked about the fruits of the spirit and started working on the verse. Sure enough the next day she can recite it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Bathtime fun.....
Most baths Andrew is dried off with pink towels....but lucky for him we have a few yellow ones.
I haven't been able to capture many crying pictures of Andrew because he really doesn't cry very often. And if he does it is normally while he is eating and he poops his pants. I would cry too. Here is a crying picture of him out of the tub. Something about being cold once I took him out of the towel and put his pj's on.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Andrew is too young to appreciate his room so Adeline has started taking a liking to it. She especially likes the lady characters. I am impressed at how good her memory is and all the characters she knows. This video is of her telling us all of the lady characters names.
This video will probably only be appreciated by true GI JOE fans.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009

My best girlfriend from high school came to visit us yesterday. She made a surprise visit all the way from Maryland. Adeline took right to Angela. I have never seen Adeline take to someone so quickly or affectionately that isn't a blood relative. It doesn't surprise me though Angela has a very sweet, gentle nature about her.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Andrew smiles
Andrew and Daddy were watching the very sad game of MSU in the NCAA championship. Even though they were losing, Andrew didn't seem to mind.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Two month appointment
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Adeline reading Cinderella
Adeline was reading Cinderella the other day and I wanted to tape her. She wouldn't let me but when I asked if E.T. could tape her she was ok with that. If I was able to tape the beginning of the book then it would be a lot more clear. She knows it word for word. But....I caught her towards the end so just listen carefully.
E.T. also tells her to finish her food and clean up her toys. So far she always listens to him. This obsession might work to my advantage:-)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Two months old

Hard to believe it has already been two months. All of my days seem to just mesh into one big day. This little guy has his Dr. Appt on Monday. I am curious to see how much he weighs now. As you can see he is sporting a very nice double chin. He can be a pretty fussy eater sometimes (ALWAYS going #2 while eats) but there is no question of him getting enough food.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"Maybe I can get an E.T. character? OK? Alright?"
Once Adeline became obsessed with E.T. she then wanted a small figurine like all of her princess characters. in the mail guess what arrived. Aunt Betsey sent an E.T. character just for Adeline. She has been attached to it ever since. Thanks Aunt Betsey for making this little girls day!

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