Adeline and Andrew

Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Grandpa Bean asks:
"Adeline, what does Andrew eat?"
Adeline: "He eats boob"
.....I don't think Grandpa Bean was expecting that answer but it had us all cracking up. I wonder where Adeline hears such things?
Adeline: "He eats boob"
.....I don't think Grandpa Bean was expecting that answer but it had us all cracking up. I wonder where Adeline hears such things?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A special package...
Thank you Uncle Josh and Aunt Bethany! We love you!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
fun with cousin Michael
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Melt my heart....
Addy: "Mommy, you here now?"
Mommy: "yes, I'm here now."
Addy: "no more hospital?"
Mommy: "no more hospital"
Addy: "I wanted you Mommy"
Mommy: "I know sweetie, I wanted you too. But I was having baby Andrew, and now we are home"
Addy: "I love you Mommy"
Mommy: "I love you Addy"
Mommy: "yes, I'm here now."
Addy: "no more hospital?"
Mommy: "no more hospital"
Addy: "I wanted you Mommy"
Mommy: "I know sweetie, I wanted you too. But I was having baby Andrew, and now we are home"
Addy: "I love you Mommy"
Mommy: "I love you Addy"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Andrew's Labor Story....
There were three specific prayers that I had approaching Andrew's birth:
1-that he didn't have Downs
2-that I wouldn't have to be induced
2-that I wouldn't have to be induced
3-that I could go natural and not have an epidural (first experience not a good one)
God answered all of my prayers. And why was I surprised?
I had been having contractions during the night for the past week but they continued to go away and not last too long. Same thing happened Saturday night. I was having contractions from 2:00-5:00am but then they went away. I decided not to go to church because I was so tired and thought that I would try to get some extra sleep. James and Adeline went to church and instead of sleeping I took a shower and got ready for my appointment at 4:00. When I got to my appointment they set me up in the testing room to monitor me and Andrew and make sure everything was ok. I remember the nurse telling me that if I was having contractions less than five minutes apart they could not place the cytotec. I told her no need to worry about that.
Well...I was wrong. I started having contractions five minutes apart and they continued without stopping. The resident had the nurse check me and she said that I was dilated to a three. They decided to monitor me for another hour and then check me again. Contractions continued and when they checked me after the hour was up I was dilated to a four. Per the advice of my Mom and Andrea I let the resident and nurse know that with my first delivery I went from a four to a ten in a matter of minutes. Once I let them know that they told me that I had won a room for the night. The cytotec was never placed and I was officially in labor.
James was at work at the time and I let him know that he better get there soon because the Dr. felt that once they broke my water I would go really fast. He arrived at about 7:20 with a big smile on his face. My good friends Missy (the videographer) and Andrea (my nurse) arrived shortly. Then Grandma Kay and Adeline also showed up. Adeline, Missy, Andrea and I went for many walks to try and speed up the process. Andrea then checked me and I was at a six. I then told the resident that I wanted my water to be broken. (per the advice of my nurse) There was one problem with that.....the Super Bowl. My Dr. did not want my water to be broken until he was close in case I did go really fast. So....finally....between 9:30-10:00 he arrived to break my water. They offered the epidural but I was doing pretty good so I wanted to wait. My contractions got much harder after that while I stayed dilated to a seven for awhile. I also had a little bit a back labor and during one contraction James had his fist pressed up against my back and I was breathing through it when Adeline walked up and started to cry. The poor girl didn't want to see her Mommy in pain. We then decided that Adeline should go to the waiting room and probably home if things didn't progress like we thought. Plus it was 10:30 at night and way past her bedtime.
After another walk Andrea checked and I was dilated to an eight. I then got into the jacuzzi tub and started to feel a lot of pressure (you know where ladies). I stayed in the tub for a little bit and then got out. I asked Andrea to check me again and she said that I was still an eight. Gripping the bars of the bed I said "I want an epidural". They called the anesthesiologist. About two minutes later I told them that I felt like I needed to push. And then (as Missy and Andrea describe it), a demon took over my body. I said something like...."" They got the Dr. in fast (while I was still yelling PUUUUUUUSH during each contraction) he checked me and I was dilated to a ten. Understand that during this time I am still pushing with each contraction. And grunting PUUUUUUSH each time. My body had taken over everything. I could not control it. Within 5-10 minutes the bed was finally set up and Andrew was born. It was the worst pain I had ever felt but.......after he was out, I felt unbelievable. Almost too good. I was for sure that I had done a lot of damage because of how fast and out of control my pushing was but I hardly tore. And I was able to watch James cut the cord and then hold our beautiful, healthy baby boy.
Did I mention they called the anesthesiologist and let him know not to come in.
All of my prayers were answered. No Downs, I wasn't induced, and I did it without the epidural.
So thankful, so blessed.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
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